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Benefit One Title

Benefit Three Title

Benefit Two Title

This is content describing the first benefit of your product or service. It should act as a supporting description of the benefit statements you wrote above.

This is content describing the second benefit of your product or service. It should act as a supporting description of the benefit statements you wrote above.

This is content describing the third benefit of your product or service. It should act as a supporting description of the benefit statements you wrote above.

Feature One Title

Feature Two Title

Feature Three Title

This is content describing the first feature of your product or service. It should act as a supporting description of the benefit statements you wrote above.

This is content describing the second feature of your product or service. It should act as a supporting description of the benefit statements you wrote above.

This is content describing the third feature of your product or service. It should act as a supporting description of the benefit statements you wrote above.


*提交此表格表示我同意将个人信息与Tummy Talks品牌相关的合作方共享。本网络产前培训课程将涉及宫缩、分娩、医疗干预、产后和新生儿护理等方面。本课程及使用材料不得作为诊断或治疗依据,也不得作为医生或其他医疗执业人员的补充材料。课程期间严禁使用任何拍摄设备。提交此表格表示我同意放弃对课程讲师、Harmony Midwifery Care和Tummy Talks(Cell Care旗下品牌),及其所有人、股东、主管、经理和员工就课程本身、孕期、宫缩、分娩和/或婴儿等方面提出赔偿或其他诉讼的权利。此声明对我本人、我的继承人、遗产受托人和受让人具有约束力。我同意Cell Care就脐带血储存方面向我发送资讯、打电话、发短信、发邮件和促销信息。我可以在任何时候取消或终止该授权。


John Smith
Marketing Manager


疫情期间,全澳各大医院均取消产前班,为此Cell Care举办免费的中文网络产前班,特邀资深助产士Chen Lu女士授课。 





Chen Lu老师简介


